The Skellig Islands is a magical place where two peaks jut out spectacularly from the sea. It’s easy to see why the monks endured such hardship to build the monastic settlement there from the 6th Century to the 13th Century.
“But for the magic that takes you out, far out of this time and this world, there is Skellig Michael, ten miles off the Kerry coast, shooting straight up 700ft. sheer out of the Atlantic.”
George Bernard Shaw – Playwright, Poet
The islands are so surreal that the producers of the most recent Star Wars films decided to film a lot of the trilogy on location on Skellig Michael.
“I can’t believe they let us shoot there, it was so beautiful. I felt the standard had to be authenticity, the standard had to be reality.”
J.J. Abrams (Director, Star wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens
At, we offer two types of tours, the Skellig Michael Eco Tour which is a boat tour that goes right up close to both Skellig Michael and the small Skelligs which is one of the largest gannet colonies in the world, home to some seventy thousands of them during the spring/summer season.